Fame or ShameHow would you fare as an 18th century adventurer?

Stanley Kubrick’s classic masterpiece Barry Lyndon is back in cinemas. Take our quiz to discover whether you’re destined for reputable fame or shameful infamy!

Barry Lyndon


Rejected by your first love, you…

Hold no grudges, wish them well and stay close friends

Bitterly resent their decision and vow revenge

Refuse to give up the chase and challenge all rival suitors


Held up by a legendary highwaymen, you…

Begrudgingly part with your cash and hurry away to avoid ridicule

Fearfully handover your possessions and beg for your life

Ask the bandits if they need an extra pair of hands


A soldier in the army, with a gun in your hand, you…

Relish the opportunity to maim and kill

Become an expert marksman and tactician

Refuse to use it, terrified of blood and violence


Playing cards in the courts of Europe, you…

Learn underhand tricks of the trade to give yourself an unfair advantage

Practise regularly and hone your skills to become an expert winner

Brazenly cajole and intimidate opponents to guarantee success


Money is the key to success. To make your fortune, you...

Manage your own business and gain influence through careful investments

Rely on tips from friends hoping that one will eventually get you on the gravy train

Marry money. Why work for a living?


You've married a beautiful, wealthy widow. As a married man, you...

Wish she had more money…

Love, honour and obey her

Respect but neglect her


At the local social club you pour yourself a glass of wine, then…

Finish the bottle with a couple of members and order another. Life's for living, right?!

Down the glass. And the bottle. And another. The rest of the night is blur…

Drink it slowly and stop at just the one - alcohol is best enjoyed in moderation


Honest and caring, your life is dull but successful. Respected by your peers, your moderate ways bring happiness and influence to those around you.


An opportunist and optimist, you're always looking for ways to improve yourself and don't mind taking a few shortcuts on the way. When fate knocks you down you get back up again, certain you'll reach the top in the end


An adventurer, a bounder, and a rogue. Your treachery and deceit may make life exciting but will ultimately seal your fate and lead you to the wrong end of a pistol